Romantic Winter Red Bouquet

Indulge in bohemian elegance with bright red & burgundy roses, vibrant red geraniums, touches of white astilbe, berries, maidenhair fern, and white satin ribbon radiate natural beauty.


SKU: 5686


This enchanting silk flower bouquet features bright red open roses, complemented by deep burgundy roses and vibrant red geraniums, create a captivating boho bridal bouquet. Delicate accents of white astilbe, berries, and flowing maidenhair fern tied together with a white satin ribbon adds a touch of whimsy and charm. This bouquet radiates natural beauty and free-spirited allure, perfect for the bride seeking a unique and romantic touch for her special day.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 14 in


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a little advice from a seasoned floral designer ...

There are so many steps to follow when planning your wedding, so trying something new, you’ve never seen or have only heard of can be a bit scary. Insert curiosity about silk flowers! You may have questions about their usage, benefits, and how to incorporate them into your special day. Check out my blog ‘Flower Shop Talk‘ to get a little more info about silk flowers and what they are all about!

I’ve been a floral designer for a long time, and I’m sure I have been asked your question before! I put together my FAQs to give you some clarity. If you don’t see your question there, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. I’m here to help make your floral arrangements perfect for your big day! Let’s say you’re loving the idea of silk flowers for your occasion but not seeing exactly what you’re dreaming of… I do take custom orders and would be happy to work with your to create your vision for your occasion!!